Tag Archives: fun

Super-Awesome Announcement & LTWF Halloween Costumes!

1 Nov

Happy First Day of NaNoWriMo!!! For those of you who celebrated Halloween last night, we hope you had a wonderful time!!! Several of us dressed up, and we thought it’d be fun to share our costumes! Enjoy!

Vanessa DiGregorio (as Bo Peep…and her coworkers as the TOY STORY cast):


Savannah Foley as a maenad:


Jenn Fitzgerald as the Killer Rabbit from MONTY PYTHON & THE HOLY GRAIL:

Feel free to share YOUR costume pics in the comments below!!!

Onto the announcement….


By Sarah J. Maas

 Okay, so I posted this on my personal blog, but I wanted to also make the announcement on LTWF, for those of you who missed it!


So, I know I’ve been all uber-cryptic about all these Secret Projects I’ve been mentioning these past few months. And I know it’s been kindaaa annoying. Believe me—it’s been annoying for ME to have to keep quiet about it.But I (finally) got the go-ahead to make the announcement.And after so many months of having to keep my lips sealed, it’s actually really surreal (and a little nerve-wracking, to be honest) to tell you guys…

You won’t have to wait until Fall 2012 to read about Celaena Sardothien.

No, QUEEN OF GLASS isn’t coming out sooner. It’s still slated for a Fall 2012 release.


Starting early next year, Bloomsbury will be releasing FOUR (4!!) QUEEN OF GLASS novellas, all set before the events of Book 1. They’ll be ebooks, and the first novella will release around January, with the other three novellas released every 1.5-2 months afterward, leading up to the Fall 2012 release of Book 1.

All of the novellas will be about Celaena, and are set in the 9 months leading up to her imprisonment (so about 2 years before the events of Book 1). While each of the novellas will stand on their own, the four novellas combined form the arc of events that explain how she went from being the world’s greatest assassin to getting captured and sent to the Salt Mines. And for my FictionPress fans—yes, Sam (formerly named Symeth) will be a major part of them, and YES, you will get to read about Celaena’s epic encounter with the Pirate Lord. 😉

I can’t even begin to tell you how excited I am for these novellas. Celaena had SO many adventures and met so many people before Book 1—so many, actually, that earlier drafts of QOG were rampant with flashback sequences just because I was ACHING to tell that part of Celaena’s story. It kinda killed me to cut them all out, but I always hoped that I’d get to write a QOG/Celaena prequel someday, perhaps years and years down the road.

SO, thanks to my amazing agent and the incredible, daring, and lovely team at Bloomsbury Children’s, I get the chance to tell those stories NOW.

SO…Sorry for all the secrecy these past few months, but…I hope that you guys are as pumped as I am about these novellas!!!! 😀

And side note to my FictionPress fans: I know it’s been a long while since you’ve visited Celaena’s world. A long, long while, actually. It’s been just over three years since I took the rough draft of QOG off FP, and some of you have been with me since the very beginning back in 2002.

A lot of things have changed since then—both in the books themselves and in the real world outside of them—but I just wanted to say THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart for all of your support and enthusiasm. It’s nearly impossible for me to put what I feel into words both because of the impossible depth of my gratitude and because I just get too emotional whenever I try to convey it. But…thank you all SO much. I would never have gotten the chance to tell Celaena’s story if it wasn’t for you. And for that, I’ll be forever grateful.

And for all of my new readers and friends—those of you who haven’t yet had a chance to visit the world of Erilea and meet Celaena…I hope these novellas get you as excited as I am for the release of Book 1! It’s been such an honor and a pleasure to get to know you so far, and thank you SO much for wanting to read my book (and thank you to everyone who has added QOG on Goodreads! All 2,450 of you! Holy crap.). Knowing you want to read my book means more to me than I can ever say.


Sarah J. Maas has written several novels, including QUEEN OF GLASS, a YA epic fantasy that will be published by Bloomsbury in Fall 2012. She is repped by Tamar Rydzinski of the Laura Dail Literary Agency, and resides with her husband in Southern California. You can visit her website here, and follow her on twitter.

Happy Halloween!!!

31 Oct



For many of us at LTWF, Halloween is our favorite-favorite-favorite holiday! The costumes, the mythology…the CANDY!

So, in honor of one of our  most beloved holidays, we thought we’d share some of the urban legends/myths/novels that scare us the most! From ancient folklore to modern-day tales of horror, what truly terrifies us is as diverse as the LTWF community itself!

And we want to know: what stories/legends/books chill YOU to the bone?

Have a spectacularly scary (…and yummy!) Halloween!!!


 For me, the folklore surrounding Baba Yaga has always scared the bejeezus out of me. Old lady with IRON TEETH living in the wilderness, preying on unsuspecting travelers? Yikes. And her house…Oh, that house. It’s not enough for it to be a creepy-ass hut, but a hut on CHICKEN’S LEGS? Plus a fence made of human bones? Talk about petrifying. And then Baba Yaga herself is totally unpredictable–you’ll never know if she’ll help you…or eat you.

I could probably talk for hours about the symbolism of Baba Yaga and her connections to ancient religions, BUT…let’s just say that I both fear and love her (and love/fear her enough that various incarnations of her have made their way into several of my novels, including the QUEEN OF GLASS series). I can’t remember how old I was when I stumbled across Marianna Mayer and K. Y. Craft’s retelling of “Vasilisa The Brave,” but this illustration (see right…or a bigger version here) of Baba Yaga has haunted my dreams (and nightmares) for a long, long while.

-Sarah J. Maas


 I know mine’s the CURSE OF CAMP COLD LAKE.

Biljana Likic

(OKAY, I (Sarah J. Maas) have to interject here. SO, when I was really young and totally obsessed with GOOSEBUMPS, my parents went to my school’s annual fundraising auction. R. L. Stein’s kids happened to go to my school, and one of the auction items was to have your kids’ names in his next GOOSEBUMPS book. And guess who won. So, me and my brother are the protagonists of CURSE OF CAMP COLD LAKE. And, in case you were wondering, I die at the end of the novel. A horrible, horrible death.)


 I think Ted’s Caving Page really got me. I stayed up for hours reading that, and then couldn’t have the blinds open in my house for weeks! I still think of those pictures, and the horror of the climax. It was truly disturbing.

It also made me go on a spelunking bender, lol. Like I’ve said in writing about zombies, I’m totally drawn to my fears and try to transform them into something enjoyable.

-Savannah Foley


 I’d have to say THE SHINING by Stephen King. Honestly – that book TERRIFIED me!

-Vanessa DiGregorio


 I’m going old school on this one — Edgar Allan Poe. THE MASQUE OF THE RED DEATH and THE CASK OF AMONTILLADO always scared the hell out of me.

-Sammy Bina


 HOUSE OF LEAVES by Mark Z. Danielewski.

That book scarred me for life.

Susan Dennard


 SCARY STORIES TO TELL IN THE DARK, not the scariest thing I’ve ever read, but it scared the crap out of me as a kid, so of course I kept re-reading it.

-Jennifer Fitzgerald


I think I would have to say Mary Shelley’s FRANKENSTEIN. Though it isn’t the “make you jump” kind of scary, it has a creepiness that has never left me!

-Julie Eshbaugh

QOTW: Myers-Briggs Type Indicators

14 Oct

So, we thought we’d switch it up a bit this week and have some fun with the Myers-Briggs personality type indicators! We all took the test (and you can take it here!), and found that the results were eerily accurate! What was also interesting was seeing how many of us were either compatible or the same personality type (three of us are INFJs!).

We decided to share the results–along with lines from our personality analyses that especially resonated with us–and want to see if we match up with any of YOU GUYS.

So have some fun today–go take the test! And feel free to share your results in the comments! Do you agree with your analysis–or is it totally inaccurate?


I am an INFP, a Dominant Introverted Feeling. From the analysis, I’d say the one line I really identify with/think embodies me is,

“They live for the understanding of others and feel deeply grateful when someone takes the time to get to know them personally.”

I think this explains why I love to write. I feel like I can fully share who I am and how I feel through my stories–my characters and plots wear the emotions I can’t express in normal conversation. Plus, I’m incredibly shy and meeting people has never been easy for me…yet I really enjoy it when I get the chance. So when people take the time to read my stuff, comment on my blog, or just chat for a little while on skype, I always feel incredibly, over-the-top happyI know it sounds silly, but it feels like a real honor that anyone would actually want to talk to me. SO THANKS, GUYS! Joining LTWF was without a doubt the best thing that happened to me in the last year (yes, even better than my book deal). 🙂

-Susan Dennard


I’m an INFJ, a Introverted Intuitive Feeling Judging. While the whole INFJ analysis was pretty spot-on, this passage really resonated with me:

“INFJs…are, in fact, sometimes mistaken for extroverts because they appear so outgoing and are so genuinely interested in people — a product of the Feeling function they most readily show to the world. ….At intervals INFJs will suddenly withdraw into themselves, sometimes shutting out even their intimates. This apparent paradox is a necessary escape valve for them, providing both time to rebuild their depleted resources and a filter to prevent the emotional overload…”

 As a writer, I feel like I often get the most inspiration just by LIVING–by going out there and meeting new people and seeing new things, by keeping myself open to anything and everything. But at the same time, I need that personal space (“alone time”) in order to sort out all of that–and later insert it into my writing (maybe). While a lot of the inspiration for my stories might come from the outside world, in order to WRITE, I have to shut out the world a bit, too. Which is why being around writers (and LTWF) is so amazing–I never really have to explain that kind of behavior to them. 😀
I am an INTJ, an Introverted, iNtuitive, Thinking, Judging. Mostly my reactions to my results were to celebrate the negative aspects of it, because it turns out a lot of the personality stuff I’ve struggled with in the past (excessive logic, lack of externalized emotion, inability to comprehend social interactions, etc.) were simply symptoms of a common personality type. What a relief!
But the part that I feel most embodies my personality type is this (taken from a different site):
“The internal form of the INTJ’s thoughts and concepts is highly individualized, and is not readily translatable into a form that others will understand. However, the INTJ is driven to translate their ideas into a plan or system that is usually readily explainable, rather than to do a direct translation of their thoughts.”
This passage truly shows my motivation in both writing and blogging. I feel driven to reassemble information in a way that is easily accessible and relatable to others. Sometimes that means passing down lessons I’ve learned in ways that resonate with people struggling with things I’ve struggled with. Other times it means making complex ideas and laws easy to understand for my coworkers. Noveling is another form of transferring information, hopefully in a way that will stick with you for the rest of your life. I’m so grateful to have a platform to get my message across, and thanks to the other LTWF members for putting up with my INTJ weirdness 🙂
I’m an INFJ too!!!
I thought this particularly described me:
“They are determined, perseverant, inspired and often see things just around the corner, into the near or far future.
I am definitely a person who is always looking toward the future!

“They have good listening skills, are genuinely concerned, insightful, and usually avid readers. At their best, they inspire others to be themselves.”
HAHAHA, I totally am “usually an avid reader.” Understatement of the year.
Like Sarah, Kat and Julie, I’m an INFJ! The test is freakishly accurate, but there was one point that really resonated with me:

“Their mind usually travels from the past to the future, seeking to fit a particular situation in a large context.”

I think that’s why I write the way I do. Only two of my stories have been contemporary — everything else was either historically based or set far into the future. It certainly might explain why I have such an affinity for dystopians! I love thinking about what comes next and how it relates to things I’ve already experienced.

What about you guys? We’d love to hear what your results are! Again, you can take the test here.
Happy Friday!!!

QOTW: Favorite Childhood Animated Series

20 May

What was your favorite childhood animated series?


The Simpsons!! Does it count if it is STILL my favorite animated show? Now my wee daughter watches it.


I loved RECESS when I was a kid. The characters, the rules of the playground… I wanted to live in that world.


Adventures of Tin-Tin, and Scooby Doo!


DuckTales, Rescue Rangers, Gummi Bears, TaleSpin, Care Bears, and Doug. ….I watched a lot of TV as a kid.


I loved Tom and Jerry 😉 But only the old, old fashioned ones. Not the newer ones!


The Simpsons, Looney Tunes, and Scooby Doo! Though I loved all the old Hannah Barbera cartoons


Digimon, Sailor Moon, and Arthur. Sometimes, I still hum this song when I’m walking down the street, and I maybe have this as my ringtone.

Also, like Jenn, I LOVED old Looney Toons cartoons. Oh, those two….


What was YOUR favorite animated series as a child?

When Your S.O. Misinterprets Your Actions as a Writer

9 May

by Savannah J. Foley


The other day I was looking up character names in a baby names website (something we all do, I’m pretty sure), and I got to thinking about how what I was doing could be misinterpreted by my boyfriend. Afterwards, I came up with the following list of scenarios that a boyfriend unfamiliar with writers might encounter with his new writer girlfriend. It’s mostly silly, but maybe you’ll laugh at one or two. 🙂


1. You leave your computer up on a webpage of baby names.

Misinterpretation: OMG she’s pregnant! Or she wants to have my children and is already planning out their names. Is this a hint? Was I supposed to find this?!

What Really Happened: You were using the list of baby names to find the most awesome name ever for your new character.

2. You talk to yourself out loud, in different voices.

Misinterpretation: You just went into full-blown metal disorder mode, a la A Beautiful Mind.

What Really Happened: You were just plotting really hard and accidentally vocally acted out some of the characters you were working on. It’s normal, really.

3. He catches you mock-strangling, -stabbing, or -shooting an imaginary victim.

Misinterpretation: You’re homicidal and you’re practicing for killing him.

What Really Happened: You were -again- acting out a scene in your book to get a feel for the actions and emotions. Totally normal.

4. Your browser history shows searches for “the perfect murder” and “poisons without antidotes.”

Misinterpretation: Surely this time you’re out to get him.

What Really Happened: Nope. Still figuring out plot details for your murder mystery subplot.

5. You stock up on chocolate.

Misinterpretation: You’re PMSing.

What Really Happened: Not this time. You hit a tricky part in your manuscript, and need some chocolate to get through it. Or you submitted something and are anxiously awaiting a reply.

6. You stop showering and suddenly avoid spending time with your S.O.

Misinterpretation: You’re trying to convince him to break up with you because you’re too chicken to do it yourself.

What Really Happened: You’re working hard on a deadline and literally forgot to shower/spend every waking minute working on your project.

7. You suddenly start spending more time “at the library” or “at a coffee shop.”

Misinterpretation: You’re cheating on him!

What Really Happened: You were just trying to give him some space since apparently your every action means you’re insane and trying to cause harm. This was your way of getting out of the house and having the time/space to, once again, focus on your project.

8. You start visiting thrift stores and “alternate fashion” stores.

Misinterpretation: You’re becoming a dirty hippie. You’re an artsy person, it had to happen sometime, right? This would also explain the no-showering thing.

What Really Happened: You’re researching styles of a particular decade.

9. You ask his cop uncle a lot of complex and detailed questions about law enforcement.

Misinterpretation: You’re considering a career change into law enforcement.

What Really Happened: Absolutely not! It’s just research! It’s ALWAYS research!

10. You change your degree from English or Creative Writing to something more mainstream, like Business & Management, or Computer Sciences.

Misinterpretation: Surely this time it’s a sign of giving up the dream, right?

What Really Happened: No, you just realized you don’t have to have the degree to be able to write well, so what’s the point? Might as well have a backup.

11. He catches you practicing your smile and posing in the mirror.

Misinterpretation: You’re an imaginative person, and so therefore you were pretending to be a movie star, for research, right?

What Really Happened: Actually you were just practicing for your author shot.

12. You sneak into your room on tiptoe, not making a sound.

Misinterpretation: He’s with the program now. He concludes you’re pretending to be a cat. For research. And there’s absolutely nothing wrong with that.

What Really Happened: …Actually, you were trying to see if your leftover toys from childhood move and talk when you’re not in the room. What? Writers never truly lose their inner child! Plus you saw Toy Story 3 recently, and, well… it was worth a shot.


Savannah J. Foley is the author of the Nameless (originally known as Woman’s World) series on Fictionpress and is signed with the Bradford Literary Agency. Her website is www.savannahjfoley.com, but she updates more frequently on her livejournal. She is currently working on editing Nameless to go out on submissions. You can read an excerpt from Nameless here.

Fandom – Lady Gaga Parody of Paparazzi

5 May

by Savannah J. Foley


Firstly, it’s been a weird week. Bin Laden was killed, Prince William and Kate Middleton got married, and north Alabama was ravaged by tornadoes. It’s weird to think that the area I live in is now considered a ‘Disaster Zone.’ My family and I are fine, but we were without power for 5 days (except for the three where I skipped town and went to Disney World, lol). At one point during the storm I was huddled in the bathtub with my cat and my laptop, which really shows you my priorities. But I was NOT going to let my stories get destroyed; if they went I was going too.

Anyway, the power outage was not only sad and stinky, but agonizing because I’m in the middle of revisions on Nameless. I was also in the middle of working on a special side project, which I am pleased to be able to share with you today. It’s a parody of the Lady Gaga song Paparazzi called Fandom. The parody is about a writer’s fandom and their dedication to the writer’s work. I wrote the lyrics and -eep!- sung the song. Hopefully it’s not too terrible.

For a long time I have thought about writing and singing songs for writers – songs about inspiration, editing, writer’s block, etc. However, I lack the vocal talent and I don’t play any instruments, so that project has pretty much been postponed indefinitely. Parodying is my way of reaching out, of bonding both with the original creator and my intended audience (in my imagination). Let’s just say that a lot of my car rides are dedicated to singing and coming up with parody lyrics about writing 🙂

I hope you enjoy this, and also that I don’t make your ears bleed.

…I’m only half-joking.




We are the fans
We’re making a stand
Got my blog on, it’s true
We’re all supporting you

It’s so magical
Your words are fantastical

At your release day
You’ll be amazed at our sway
A million sold overnight
You’ll cry at the sight

We’re your devotees
As long as you make books to read
Cause you know that baby we

[Chorus] We’re your biggest fans
And we all support your work in tandem
Fa-an, Fa-a-andom
You’ll be a best seller
Your success will not be random
Promise I’ll be true
Go to your signings until I meet you
Don’t know if you know
So I’m sending out this memorandum
Fa-an, Fa-a-andom

I’ll be that fan
Converting woman and man
Make them buy all your books
Cause you’re words have me hooked

In between release dates
You know that I can hardly wait

We’d kill for your ARCs
We drew you tons of fan art
From your work can’t be apart
You know in all of our hearts

We’re your devotees
And we love all your trilogies
Cause you know that baby we


In line at the bookstore
Flip through
Your latest hardcover
Can’t stop
Until we’re done
Your books are all
So! Much! Fun!



Savannah J. Foley is the author of the Nameless (originally known as Woman’s World) series on Fictionpress and is signed with the Bradford Literary Agency. Her website is www.savannahjfoley.com, but she updates more frequently on her livejournal. She is currently working on editing Nameless to go out on submissions. You can read an excerpt from Nameless here.

My Literary Valentine

14 Feb

Who’s your literary Valentine? Here are some of ours:


Dearest Peeta,

Basically, I think you’re perfect. You’re handsome and charming, and just this side of legal (I think). I really dig the way you can paint yourself to look like dirt, and wouldn’t mind getting dirty with you (No pun intended). I, too, enjoy cuddling and blonde curls. Like me, you enjoy baking, so we already have something in common. If you want, maybe sometime we could get together for dinner? Check yes or no:

__ Yes

__ No




Dear Han Solo,

I realize you’re not a book character, but you’ve been in spin-off books and loads of fanfiction. More importantly, you’re the ONLY Valentine I want. Period. ❤ ❤

So, even though I think Leia is kick-butt awesome, it’s about time you ditched Her Worshipfulness and hooked up with me.

For one, I’m not a princess! You’ll never have to call me obnoxious title names. For two, I will never complain about the Millennium Falcon–I can appreciate vintage ships, my love. For three, there’s a bounty on my head too (I cheated a Jawa back on Tatooine; turns out they don’t like that), so we can evade the law, hand-in-hand!

And finally, the real deal-sealer (if you ask me): I can rock that metal bikini just as hard as Leia, if not better (but you’ll have to accept this invitation if you want to see for yourself ::wink, wink::).

Love you forever, Han baby. Holograph me when you get a chance.



Dear Heathcliff,

If I had been your Cathy, I would never have left you.

If I had been your Cathy, your heart would have never been broken.

I wouldn’t have settled for Edgar Linton out of vanity, when I knew that you were my soul mate.

If only I had been your Cathy, you wouldn’t be remembered today as an abusive brute.

You’d be known as the hero with the rebellious heart who sought his fortune with the woman he loved by his side.

But who knows?

Maybe your heart got a second chance?

Maybe a bit of your wildness was reborn in the man I love today?

And maybe a part of Cathy lives on in me – her impetuousness, her ambition, her passion.

So Happy Valentine’s Day, Heathcliff. And Happy Valentine’s Day to my real-life husband, Gary.

I will always see a bit of each of you in the other.




Draco Malfoy,

I don’t care what canon says about you. You are not pointy-faced. You are a hunky Slytherin sex god with brains and snark. And though some might say you’re cowardly and two-faced, to that I reply with LALALALALALALALALALALALALALALA.

Do me.

Yours, Biljana


Dear Ender Wiggins,

No, this is not a true valentine because Hello, you’re like nine years old by the end of the book and with the age difference, that’s just really icky. Plus, by the end of the book, you’ve SPOILER, SPOILER, and SPOILER…so I kinda don’t think you would make the best dinner date, anyway.

But if I could, I’d whisk you away somewhere in the middle of the book, just when everything’s going to hell and your life, if I can be honest, really, really sucks. Maybe if someone had taken you out of Battle School and sent you somewhere nice with a chocolate fountain and some singing valentines, SPOILER wouldn’t have happened at the end.

Which, considering the sequels, would probably have saved the world a whole lot of grief.

Love and Chocolate,



Dear Tobias,

Is it okay to write Valentines to your own characters? I worked with you for so long in fan fiction I feel like you’re my own creation. And, of course, you were the inspiration behind my male MC, so I’ve essentially been talking with you for… 8 years now. Don’t you think it’s about time we put aside these pretensions and explore this thing between us?

I know you’re still in mourning for your one true love, and you’re probably worried about how this would affect our working relationship, but seriously, who else is going to be okay with having a bird for a boyfriend? Let’s go out for a rodent sometime. I’m an adventurous eater 😉

Please be my Valentine?

Love forever. And ever.



My darling George Cooper,

How do I begin? You’re tall, dark, and (if you ask me) roguishly handsome. In fact, you’re the most charming Rogue I know. You stole my heart long before you even realized that a certain cross-dressing girl had stolen yours – which, for the record, was a feeling that she didn’t reciprocate for a LONG time. I would never make you wait 8 years to get a piece of this. I would never take pansy Jonathon or big-guy Liam Ironarm as lovers, either – your finely tuned body is all I need. I wouldn’t have been too afraid to offer myself to you completely.

Believe me, I would have fallen into those strong arms of yours, instead of choosing Jonathan the “Prince”.

You may be considered a “commoner”, but in my eyes, you’re the only Prince there is.

I’ll be keeping my window open for you. Feel free to climb in anytime.

Yours forever,



Dear Mr. Darcy,

I’d like a tour of Pemberly’s grounds, if you know what I mean. Call me. No, seriously, call me.

Dear Mr. Tilney,

I’d love to go for a drive in your curricle, wink wink. Call on me whenever you’re free. ❤

Dear Commander Vimes,

You’re a grumpy old man and that’s awesome.

Hearts and cigars



Dear Finnick,

Let’s be honest: we all know you’re the hottest victor to ever grace the arena. And the most badass. You could skewer me with that giant trident of yours any day. But I think you already know all of that. And that’s part of why I love you.

I’ll admit, there were others before you–Gale (I got over that SO fast, don’t worry), Peeta (can you blame me?)…but from the second I learned the truth about your horrible past, I’ve been totally and completely yours. Let’s ignore what happens at the end of MOCKINGJAY, okay? Because we know that’s just a mistake that can ultimately be blamed on your psycho wife, Annie.

Speaking of Annie…WHY? Seriously. WHY? You could do so much better. Like…me. Yeah, we’d pretty much be perfect together.

So, when you want someone to come rub oil on your sexy, rippling muscles, give me a call. I left my number on your nightstand. And carved it into the headboard of your bed. Just in case.

Yours forever and ever,


P.S. Please don’t take any trips to the sewers of the Capitol. Like, ever.




Dear Gilbert,

You’re kind of perfectly cheeky, smart and nice. Anne is great and all, but I would never crack a slate over your head. Even if you did call me carrots, which would frankly be pretty strange considering my hair’s black – but I’m more than willing to put up with this strangeness. And, you know, my hair could be red, if that’s your thing. Hair dye rocks, baby, and unlike Anne I’m competent enough to not dye mine green.

See you in Avonlea?




Who is your literary valentine?